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  • Power Wrench: Previously delivered crippling blows with your autoattack and your throw wrench ability. This has been folded to the baseline of your toolkit so now you don’t have to equip this trait to maintain that crippling effect. Instead, Power Wrench has been changed to have a 10% damage increase while using the toolkit. Your combo, your pry bar and your thrown wrench abilities will all have the 10% damage increase.
  • Always prepared: previously only dropped bandages for your allies to pick up. Now we added oilslicks so when you go down you will drop a protective ring of oil slick that will knock enemies off.
  • Elite supplies: This trait no longer grant increased duration while using Elixir S. Instead, you now get 50% extra move speed. Tornado has been changed to a lightning field and now you can launch whirling bolts as it is also a whirlwind combo.
  • Accelerate-Packed Turrets: This trait’s knockback distance has been reduced by 50%. Making it go from a 300 range knockback to 150 range. The intention of this trait is to cause disruption among your enemies rather than controlling the area with massive knockbacks.
  • Rocket Turret: Explosive rockets – velocity increased and rockets now track your target.
  • Flamethrower: Increased damage of the flame jet by 33%. Flame Blast detonate changed to a blast finisher. Flame Blast now delivers strikes on each pulse. Air Blast – increased the cast time by 1/4 of a second so it has a more delay to it with more tell through the effects (more windup).
  • Elixir R – Cast time reduced by 1/4 of a second. In addition to refill your endurance you will also remove immobilize.
  • Elixir C – Number of conditions affected by this skill increased from 1 to 2 for all allies affected by it.
  • Launch Personal Battering Ram – Damage increased by 20%
  • Medkit – Drop Antidote will now remove immobilize if you use it while been immobilized.
  • Utility Goggles – Analyze – this ability now 6s of revealed in addition to the vulnerability it applies.
  • Glue Shot – Increased the velocity of the projectile by 50%
  • AED – We thought this ability was slightly underperforming – will now remove damage conditions when you reach the threshold.


  • Signet of Beastmaster – This signet hampered the way rangers could spec. This signet no longer exists and all the signets have those effects baseline (affecting you and your pet). The trait that now replaced Signet of the Beastmaster is now called Predator’s Onslaught – You and your pet deal bonus damage to enemies suffering from movement impeding abilities (Crippled, Chilled and Immobilize). The damage bonus is 10% for your self and 5% for your pet.
  • Read the Wind – In addition to increase longbow/harpoon projectile velocity, attack speed is also increased (fire arrows fast).
  • Strider’s Defense – Increased the % to block from 15% to 20%
  • Beastmastery trait line – Remove the requirement to use specific pets with some traits. For example, Rending Attacks now bleeds with any pet crit on their basic attack. Stability training will activate with any pet when they are disabled. Intimidation Training now applies Cripple on any of your pet’s F2 skills with strikes.
  • Longbow – Cast times have been tightened up so you are not stuck casting something for a long time.
    • Long Range Shot – short range damage increased by 17%. Medium range damage by 7%. Long range damage unaffected.
    • Rapid Fire – Hard to use as you were stuck casting it for 5s at a time. Cast time now reduced by 50%
    • Barrage – Reduced cast time by 0.5 seconds.
  • Greatsword
    • For autoattack combo, damage of Power Stab (3rd skill in the chain) increased by 10%
    • Maul – Increased the max amount of targets from 3 to 5 while increasing the radius from 150 to 220.
    • Swoop now evades in the attack portion of the ability. You can be still stuck while traveling to your target.
    • Counterattack – Aftercast reduced – now you can respond much more quickly after landing your knockback.
    • Hilt Bash – Stun and daze duration of the skill have been increased from 1s to 1.5s
  • Sic’ Em this skill now applies 6s of Revealed to enemies.
  • Entangled – Recharged of this ability reduced from 150s to 60s. Duration of the roots themselves decreased from from 20s to 5s.
  • Axe
    • Ricochet – Now grant might on hit. 3s base might duration. You want to hit multiple targets for max amount of might stacks.
    • Path of Scars – Velocity of projectile increased by 25%
  • Pets
    • Black Bear’s Enfeebling Roar slightly changed so that it no longer goes through blocks and evades but now delivers a strike.
    • Polar Bear’s Icy Roar has received the same sort of rework.

PVP Tournament reward armor skins

  • Players can get this in the Gamescom tournament.

Eng把沒多少人在用的trait改實用點 (直傷油蝦準備起飛?

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yu731203 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2014-7-29 03:25 PM|只看該作者


manmanx 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2014-7-30 12:24 AM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 manmanx 於 2014-7-30 12:24 AM 編輯

甚麼好東西都放在Marksmanship,  結果新的Predator’s Onslaught 還是要和Read the Wind 爭, 不過結果還是選 Piercing Arrows + Eagle Eye.

不過Signet of the Beastmaster變成基本, 那可以用一個完全不用Marksmanship的 Build 了.


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