
標題: 【轉貼】享受棋題(排局) [打印本頁]

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2009-10-22 02:51 PM     標題: 【轉貼】享受棋題(排局)

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2009-10-22 03:31 PM 編輯

【誠惶誠恐按】無論「限著殺王棋題」(chess problem)還是「殘局研究」(endgame study),大陸國際象棋界都一律稱之為「排局」。

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要享受西洋棋,有很多不同的方法。棋題(Chess Problem)是其中一種有趣的玩法。甚麼是棋題呢?很簡單,就是限著殺王的遊戲:給你一個局面,你必須在限定著數之內以白棋先手把黑棋殺掉,不管黑棋怎麼走。例如下面這個:

M. Niemeijer,兩步殺(一步指一回合,即白一步黑一步為之一步)



很明顯是把王移開,為了 2.Re8#。把王移到別處黑棋會拖延時間:1.Kd1 Qh1+ 2.Bxh1 這樣白棋就用完了兩步


想利用將軍拖延時間。1...Qxg7 2.Re7#!。




從剛才的例子看,1.Kb3 就是「鍵著」。

再看剛才的例子,1.Kb3 就是「脅著」,威脅 2.Re8#。


Lev I. Loshinsky, Tijdschrift v.d. Nederlandse Schaakbond 1930,兩步殺

1...Bb7 2.Re7#;
1...Rb7 2.Rc6#;
1...Bg7 2.Qxf7#;
1...Rg7 2.Qe5#;
1...Bf6 2.Qg4#;
1...f6 2.Qe4#;
1...f5 2.Qd6#;
1...Bxd4 2.Nxd4#;
1...Rxc7 2.Nxc7#



Dimitry Banny, =1st Prize, Moscow 22 Olympiad, 1980,兩步殺


1...exd3 2.Qf3;
1...f1=Q 2.Qxd2;
1...f1=N 2.Qe2

那麼我們可否利用「等著」來迫黑棋行呢?1.Nc5? (威脅 2 Qxe4) f1=N! 或 1.Qf1? (威脅 2 Qe2) exd3! 都不行。那可以怎麼做?既然黑棋只有 f 兵可動,我們只好剷除黑 f 兵了!

    1...Kf4 2.Qxe4#
    1...gxf2 2.Qg5#
    1...Nxf2 2.Qxg3#

補充內容 (2014-8-12 10:24 AM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2009-10-22 05:49 PM



S. Chyrulik, 1st Pr. Zvyazda, 1975,五步殺


黑棋只有兩著:...Kb1 和 ...Bb1,他設法升變 b 兵,但兵給白后串著了。他的可能計劃是 ...Kb1-c1、...b1=Q,假如白后在 d4,則可以阻步這計劃(1.Qd4 Kb1 2.Qd1#)。黑棋也可以 ...Bb1-c2、...Ka2 和 ...b1=Q,但假如黑王由 a 線而上,白后有機會在 a 線殺,「鍵著」很可能要先啟動白后。

所以我們試試 1.Qd4。不難發現,1.Qd4 Bb1 2.Qg1 Ka2,假如白王不在 a7,可以下 3.Qa7 殺。由於還有兩步未用,我們還能把王移開試試成不成。1.Kb6 Kb1!  2 Qc3 (阻止 ...Kc1 或 ...Kc2) Ka1 3 Qd4 Bb1 4 Qg1 Ka2 白王仍阻著了。1 Kb7 Bb1! 2 Qh1 Ka2 也行不通。所以只有 1.Kb8! Kb1 2.Qc3 Ka1 3.Qd4 Bb1 4.Qg1 Ka2 5.Qa7#

M. Vukcevich, Politika Meredith Tourney, 1998,兩步殺

運用設著,很明顯黑王有位逃走,白棋要主動出擊。我們甚麼方法可以兩步殺棋呢?最快很明顯是移動后。1.Qa5 (威脅 2.Qf5#) 看起來可以一試。黑棋沒有甚麼方法逃避:1...Ke4? 2.Qe5# ; 1...Kg4? 2.Be6# ; 1...Bxh4? 2.Be2#,不過,黑棋可以延遲殺棋:1...Bc5!。既然如此,只有另一個移后殺棋的方法:1.Qa3! Ke4 ( 1...Kg4 2.Be2# ; 1...Bxh4 2.Be6# ; 1...Bxb4 2.Qf3#) 2.Qe3#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2009-10-22 06:02 PM


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F. Amelung, Duna-Zeitung, 1897,兩步殺

這是個狡猾的問題。不論你怎麼看,最快的殺棋也要三步,例如:1.f7 g4 2.Qf8+ Kxh5 3.Rxh7#。原來今次我們還要問多一個問題:黑棋上一步是甚麼?

很明顯黑棋上一步不是移 h 兵。也不是黑王,因為走進 h6 要經由 g7 或 g6 。唯一可能是移了 g 兵。那麼從 g6 還是 g5 呢?如果上一步是 ...g6-g5,那麼黑棋不是正將著白王嗎?所以一定是 ...g7-g5。所以答案是吃過路兵殺:1.hxg6 Kh5 2.Rxh7#

S. Loyd, New York Albion 1857 三步殺

運用「設著」:假如黑棋先手會輸,1...Kxg3 2.Rhg1+ Kh4 (2...Kh2 3.Rg8 Kh3 4.Rh1#) 3.Rf8 Kh5 4.Rh8#。很明顯要找「等著」。不過唯一的「等著」1.Ke2 會用超過三步:Kxg3 2.Rhg1+ Kh4 (2...Kh2 3.Kg8 Kh3 4.Rh1#) 3.Rf8 Kh5 4.Rh8#。我們要另在找其他方法,很大可能是移車。1.Rh8 Kxg3 2.Rg8+ Kh2 3.Rf7,用完了三步。我們可以試改移 f 車,但 1.Rf8 Kxg3 (1...Kxh8 2.Kf2!) 2.Rg1 Kh2 也行不通。原來我們看漏了白棋王車易位的可能性!答案是:1.Rf4! Kxg3 (1...Kxh1 2.Kf2!) 2.O-O!! Kh3 3.R1f3#

補充內容 (2014-5-11 12:08 PM):

補充內容 (2019-5-1 11:44 AM):

補充內容 (2020-5-13 02:44 PM):

Friedrich Ludwig Balthasar Amelung
Duna-Zeitung, 1897
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2009-10-22 06:07 PM


J. Rosberger,兩步殺

  1... Kc3 2.Qb2#
  1... Kc5 2.Qb6#
  1... Ke3 2.Qe5#
  1... Ke4 2.Qf4#

R. Lincoln,兩步殺

  1... kxe1 2.Rf1#
  1... dxe1=Q 2.Bc2#
  1... dxe1=N 2,Rd2#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2009-10-22 06:19 PM

E. Cook, Illustrated London News, 1855三步殺

1.e8=B!(若 1. e8=Q??則欠行和棋)
  1... Ke6 2.f8=B Kf5 3.Bd7#

Samuel Loyd, Boston Globe, 1876三步殺

1. e8=N+!
  1... Kxh8 2.d8=N N any 3.Nf7#
  1... Kh6 2.d8=N N any 3.Ndf7 #
  1... Kf8 2 d8=N N any (or Ke7) 3.Ng6#



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作者: ssswoy    時間: 2009-12-8 08:50 PM

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: qqjackqq    時間: 2009-12-25 04:49 PM

作者: 風一騎顯悟    時間: 2010-2-7 11:22 AM

我才剛接觸沒多久而已= =
作者: j1235493    時間: 2010-6-7 07:32 PM

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作者: pogerlas    時間: 2010-6-12 04:26 PM

沒注意那麼多 不過如果計下來的話 就沒有用腦了吧
作者: gordon100000    時間: 2011-12-27 01:56 AM

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作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-5-3 02:55 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-6-20 02:56 PM 編輯


What is a Chess Problem?
by Peter Wong

The best games of chess are considered beautiful. They are admired, and replayed around the world by enthusiasts for that reason, apart from the practical use of studying such games. Yet when we play a game, the only real consideration is how to win it, never mind whether the method of winning is attractive or not. What if we devise a position specifically to demonstrate a beautiful or artistic chess idea? That, in fact, is what occurs in the composition of a chess problem. When you solve such a problem, its composer’s aesthetic intent is revealed in the play of the solution.

So chess problems – also known as chess compositions – are enjoyed on two levels. On a basic level, they work as challenging puzzles. You are given a position and an accompanying task, such as “White to play and mate in two moves”, that must be fulfilled. On a higher level, problems are aesthetic works designed to show an interesting theme – the composition’s main idea. How exactly are themes artistic? It varies, but important factors include subtlety, elegance, economy, paradox, and unity of play. The latter concept of unity is especially noteworthy; most good problems have multiple variations that are related to each other in some way, to create a harmonious impression.

Chess problems come in a variety of genres, the most common of which is the directmate. In this type of problem, White plays first and forces mate in the specified number of moves, against any Black defence. Only one of White’s first moves is able to achieve this, and the solver’s task is to discover this unique move, called the key. If another move, unintended by the composer, solves the problem too, that alternative move is called a cook, and the problem becomes unsound. Such faulty problems, however, are rarely seen nowadays (especially in directmates) because of the practice of computer-testing, which ensures that cooks are eliminated.

1. Otto Wurzburg
American Chess Bulletin 1942
3rd Hon. Mention
Mate in 2

Let us consider our first example, 1, a two-mover. The problem’s stipulation or task is given next to the diagram as “Mate in 2”, indicating it’s a directmate and White must mate by the second move. The solution begins with 1.Kc2! – the '!' signifies the key – after which the threat is 2.Sb3 mate. Black can parry this threat with various defences, but these moves enable White to mate in other ways. For example, 1…bxc3 2.Bxc3 – the two moves here, Black’s defence and White’s correct response, constitute a variation. The main variations of this problem are 1…Bf5+ 2.Se4, 1…R1g2+ 2.S1e2,and 1…R5g2+ 2.S3e2. These lines represent the thematic play because they share a number of elements: Black checks, but unguards a white piece (rook or bishop) that’s training on the black king, allowing White to answer the check by interposing a knight, and discover mate at the same time. Such a tactic, in which White stops a check by interposition, and gives check as well with the same move, is known as a cross-check, and its recurring use is the theme of this problem.

Various conventions apply to key-moves in directmates, and knowing them will assist you when solving this type of problem. The desired feature of subtlety means that keys are very unlikely to be checks. Keys that capture a piece are almost unheard of, for the same reason, though the capture of a pawn is acceptable. In contrast to obviously aggressive keys that are frown upon, keys that apparently weaken White or strengthen Black are viewed as good in the artistic sense. Though not all directmates are successful in incorporating them, you should keep in mind the possibility of such paradoxical keys. A perfect illustration is 1, which has an excellent key because it exposes the white king to numerous checks.

2. William Shinkman
The Problemist 1944
Mate in 2

Another major consideration when analysing a problem is whether the key creates a threat or sets up a block position. The former is already exemplified by 1, a threat-problem. In a block-problem, the key carries no threat but is a waiting move that puts Black in zugzwang. In such a position, every possible move by Black entails a weakness, which is exploited by White due to Black’s compulsion to move. Problem 2 is an example. Its key 1.c5! doesn’t threaten an immediate mate, but all moves by the black knight commit some kind of error that allows a mating reply. The variations 1…Sd4 2.Rxd4, 1…Sf4 2.Rxf4, 1…Sg5 2.Rxg5, and 1…Sg7 2.Sxg7 are similar – White discovers check and captures the knight to stop it from interfering with the bishop mate. 1…Sxc5 2.Rc4 and 1…Sxf8 2.Rg8 see the white rook pinning the knight, to prevent its return to e6. In the remaining two lines, 1…Sc7 2.b7 and 1…Sd8 2.Sd6, the errors committed by the knight are called self-blocks: a black piece obstructs a square next to the black king, freeing a white piece that was guarding it to give mate. When a black knight makes its maximum number of eight moves in a problem and induces eight different white responses, as here, the knight-wheel theme is produced.

Looking at the problems in this article, you may be struck by how the positions seem “artificial” and far removed from an actual game of chess. That only highlights how problem composition is a field distinct from the competitive game and also from game-position exercises. Chess problems are constructed in accordance with their own principles. A particularly important one of such principles is economy of force, which holds that for any given idea shown in a problem, the number of pieces used should be minimised, and that every piece should serve to bring about that idea or to ensure soundness. That the resulting problem positions do not resemble game situations is regarded as irrelevant. Nevertheless, another convention of problems links them directly to the game. Problem positions are required to be legal, i.e. they could have arisen from the opening array, however unlikely the players’ moves may have been in reaching these positions.

3. Charles Ouellet
The Problemist 1987
Mate in 2

A pawn on its starting rank has the potential to make four different moves – two forward steps, and two captures. If a white pawn plays each of these four moves in turn during the course of a problem’s solution, the Albino theme is shown. Problem 3, using only eight pieces, is a very economical demonstration. It is solved by a waiting move, 1.Rbb5!, after which the black rook has to release the white pawn. 1…Rb3 2.cxb3, 1…Rd3 2.cxd3, 1…Rxc5 2.c4,and 1…Rc4 (or to e3, etc.) 2.c3. There is also by-play, i.e. non-thematic or secondary variation(s): 1…Rxc2+ 2.Bxc2.

4. Alain White (version by R. Cabral)
Good Companions 1918
1st Prize
Mate in 2

Problem 4 has rich play involving pins and unpins. The white queen has the black queen pinned, and the latter in turn is pinning the white bishop, which could otherwise mate on d4 or g5. The key is 1.Qe7!, threatening 2.Qc5. Each move by the black queen defeats the threat, but also unpins the white bishop, hence 1…Qxe7 2.Bd4 and 1…Qe5 2.Bg5. After 1…Qe4, however, neither bishop mate works because the black queen has shut off the white rook’s guard of d4. But this defence permits 2.Rg3, because the pinned queen has also cut off the black bishop’s access to f3. Two further thematic variations are 1…d6 2.Qa7 and 1…d5 2.Qa3. In each case the black pawn interferes with the black queen’s control of a defensive line, enabling the white queen to unpin its counterpart with impunity in the mate.

5. Godfrey Heathcote
Norwich Mercury 1907
1st Prize
Mate in 2

Problem 5 is famous for its brilliant key that self-pins multiple white pieces simultaneously. After 1.Ke5!, the four previously mobile pieces next to the white king are all pinned by Black. The threat of 2.Kd4 induces Black to unpin these white pieces, which are then free to deliver mate; thus four matching variations are created, 1…Ra8 (or to b8, etc.) 2.Bg4, 1…Qa7 (or to b7, etc.) 2.Qf5, 1…Bf2 2.Rf5, and 1…Se3 2.Sxg3. The key also allows Black to give three more checks by capturing the pinned pieces, in addition to 1…Qxf6+, and in all cases the white king recaptures to give a discovered mate, 1…Rxe6+ 2.Kxe6, 1…Bxf4+ 2.Kxf4, 1…Rxe4+ 2.Kxe4, and 1…Qxf6+ 2.Kxf6. Also, 1…Qxg6 2.Qxg6, 1…Bh4 2.Rxh4.

6. Lev Loshinsky
The Problemist 1930
Mate in 2

Problem 6 is for you to solve. The thematic play involves self-interference, when a black piece cuts off the line controlled by another black piece.

Problem 6 solution (To display, hold down your mouse button and select the text below.)
>1.Qf2! (threat: 2.Qxa7). Black has five unified defences that occur on one square, d4. In each case the black piece interferes with a defensive line controlled by the rook on h4 or the bishop on a1. 1…d4 2.Bc4, 1…Rd4 2.Rh6, 1…Bd4 2.Qxe2, 1…Sed4 2.Qa2, and 1…Sfd4 2.Ra3.

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-6-16 10:28 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 11:55 AM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 2Q4K/6R1/8/8/7k/8/6rr/6R1)
Eric Manfred Hassberg
New York Post, April 21, 1945

1.Qc2! > 2.Qh7#
   1... Rxc2 2.Rh7#
   1... Rxg7   2.Qxh2#


補充內容 (2020-5-13 02:50 PM):

Eric Manfred Hassberg
New York Post, April 21, 1945
White to play & mate in 2 moves
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-6-25 03:23 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 11:56 AM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 8/3b4/1R5Q/k2KR3/r7/8/8/8)
John Francis Ling (b. 1927, UK)
Dubuque Chess Journal, 1873

1. Qc6! threat 2. Rb5#
   1...  Rb4  2. Ra6#
   1...  Bxc6+  2. Kxc6#
   1...  Be6+  2. Kxe6#
   1...  Rd4+  2. Kxd4#

補充內容 (2020-5-13 05:37 PM):

John Francis Ling (b. 1927, UK)
Dubuque Chess Journal, 1873
White to play & mate in 2 moves
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-11 02:30 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-10 07:42 PM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 7R/8/5r1p/7k/8/6RK/8/1B6)
Rosario Notaro (b. 1956, Italy)
Scacco!, 1977

1.♖f8 waiting
   1... ♜xf8/f7/g6/f4/f3/f2/f1  2.♗(x)g6#
   1... ♜f5/e6/d6/c6/b6/a6  2.♖(x)f5#

補充內容 (2020-5-13 02:22 PM):

Rosario Notaro (b. 1956, Italy)
Scacco!, 1977
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-14 05:49 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-15 06:18 PM 編輯


國際象棋之棋局千奇百怪。開欄原文(「享受棋題」)也有提到除了 Direct Mate 外還有「自殺型」及「助殺型」。現在補充一下。

現在先談談「自殺型」。「Self mate」就是白子先行,在指定步數內,無論黑子怎樣走都必定將死白棋。以下這個棋題為例:

Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation:Bb6/2Pp4/Pprpp2R/1K1kr1R1/PP2n3/5Q2/2P1N3/1b6

W. J. Baird
Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement
Selfmate in two moves


1. Rf5
   1...  exf5 2. Rxd6+ Kxd6#
   1...  Rxf5 2. Qxe4+ Kxe4#
   1...  Bxc4 2. Qd3+ Bxd3#
   1...  Ba2 2. c4+ Bxc4#
   1...  Bxc7/Ba7 2. Bxc6+ dxc6#

❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈


(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 4R1n1/4P2P/4Bpk1/6pR/6pb/3p2B1/3Np3/4K3)
Alain Campbell White
Gazette Times, 1912


1. Bf5+ Kxf5 2. hxg8=Q Bxg3#
   1... Kf7 2. hxg8=R Bxg3#
   1... Kg7 2. hxg8=B Bxg3#
   1... Kxh5 2. hxg8=N Bxg3#


補充內容 (2019-7-19 11:24 AM):

(FEN: Bb6/2Pp4/Pprpp2R/1K1kr1R1/PP2n3/5Q2/2P1N3/1b6 w - - 0 1)
W.J. Baird

補充內容 (2019-7-19 11:27 AM):

W.J. Baird
Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement
Selfmate in 2 moves

補充內容 (2019-7-19 11:31 AM):

(FEN: 4R1n1/4P2P/4Bpk1/6pR/6pb/3p2B1/3Np3/4K3 w - - 0 1)
Alain Campbell White
Gazette Times, 1912

補充內容 (2019-7-19 11:46 AM):

Alain Campbell White
Gazette Times, 1912
Selfmate in 2 moves
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-17 09:45 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-18 10:28 AM 編輯


另有一種棋題是在指定步數內黑方協助白方將死黑方。這種棋題通常是黑棋先行,答案的記錄也與正常記錄相反,每個回合先黑後白。間中也有白棋先行,凡白棋先行的助殺題棋的步限都必定有半步,例如「Helpmate in 3-1/2 moves」,答案記錄由第一回合的下半回合開始(因 Helpmate 的著法記錄每一回合是先黑後白),共四個回合將死黑方。以下是一個由黑方先行的「三步助殺」棋題:

Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation:8/8/8/ppp2n2/P1p1p3/ppk5/P4P2/R3K3
Mario Velucchi
Helpmate in 3

這個棋題由於是輪到黑方走子(即白方剛剛走完子),白方的幾隻兵不是在原位就是在不能走動的位置,證明白方剛剛動過王或車,故此往下白方是不可以易位(有關棋題的 solution 可以有王車易位,請參閱本欄的 3 樓)。答案如下:1. ba4 ab3 2. Kxb3 Kd2 3. Kb4 Rb1#


❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈


Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 1rq1nr2/1Pb2PPP/3n3P/8/2k3p1/3p2p1/8/5K2
M. Myllyniemi
2nd Prize, Die Schwalbe, 1983

1. Kc4-d5,  h7-h8=Q;
   2. Kd5-e6,  b7xc8=Q+;
   3. Ke6-e7,  g7xf8=Q#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-22 10:30 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-18 10:28 AM 編輯


FEN: 8/8/3K4/3pN3/2B1k3/2P2R2/8/8
Udo Marks
Problemkiste, 1996
Stalemate in 2

白方只要走:1. Kc5 !,跟著無論黑方怎樣走,白方總能使黑方欠行成和:

1. Kc5 !
  1...  Kxe5     2. Bxd5=
  1...  dxc4      2. Kd6=
  1...  d4         2. cxd4=

像 direct mate 那樣,限著迫和棋題也有 self stalemate 和 help stalemate。顧名思義「self stalemate」是指在指定步數內使黑方走一步棋令白方欠行成和(與上例剛好相反);「help stalemate」是指黑棋在指定步數內協助白棋走出一步棋令黑方欠行成和。

❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈


FEN: 2b5/PP1k2K1/8/3Nn3/8/4Q3/7B/3R4
Jan Hartong
The Problemist

1. Ne7+ Ke8 2. Nxc8=
   1... KxN 2. bxc8=Q=
   1... Ke6 2. bxc8=N=
   1... Kc7 2. bxc8=B=
   1... Nd3 2. bxc8=R=


補充內容 (2022-3-6 10:52 PM):

Udo Marks
Problemkiste, 1996
Stalemate in 2

補充內容 (2022-3-6 10:56 PM):

Jan Hartong
The Problemist
Stalemate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-22 04:49 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 12:12 PM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 5k2/8/Q4K2/4P3/5B2/8/8/8)
Josef Kling (1811-1876, Germany)
Chess Euclid, 1849
White mates in 3 – with his pawn

1.Qa6-a2  Kf8-e8
2.Qa2-a8  Ke8-d7

補充內容 (2022-3-6 11:06 PM):

Josef Kling
Chess Euclid, 1849
Mate in 3 with his pawn
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-23 11:45 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-18 10:08 AM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards Notation: 8/6Q1/2p5/2p5/2P5/5k2/3P3B/3K4)
Howard Staunton and "Modern Authorities":The Blue Book of Chess, 1870
White to move only his King & mate in five moves

1.♔d1-e1  ♚f3-e4
2.♔e1-e2  ♚e4-f5
3.♔e2-f3/e3  ♚f5-e6
4.♔f3(e3)-f4  ♚e6-d6

補充內容 (2022-3-13 10:00 PM):

White to move only his King & mate in 5 moves
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-25 11:16 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 12:38 PM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 8/1Q3B2/8/3p4/8/3k4/8/2B1K3)
William Anthony Shinkman

1. Bd2 waiting
   1... d4  2. Qb1#
   1... Kc4/d4/e4  2. Qxd5#
   1... Kc2  2. Bg6#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:06 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-25 07:35 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 02:24 PM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards Notation: 4K3/8/8/8/8/2P1k1P1/7Q/4N3)
Hugh H. Nash

1. Qa2 waiting
   1... Ke4  2. Qe6#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:07 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-26 10:20 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 02:29 PM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards Notation: 5K1k/6pp/7n/3Q4/7N/8/8/8)
Christian Wiehe

1. Qh1! waiting
   1... g6/g5  2. Qa1#
   1... N~  2. Ng6#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:08 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-26 10:27 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 02:50 PM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards Notation: 8/4K2k/7N/8/8/8/8/Q7)
Jørgen Thorvald Møller
Skakbladet, Aug 1919

1. Kf6!  waiting
  1... Kxh6   2. Qh1#
  1... Kh8    2. Kg6#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:09 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-26 07:21 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 02:38 PM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards Notation: 8/8/8/8/1B6/8/2k5/K2b2RQ)
Miroslav Havel
Romanleser, 1900

1. Rg4! waiting
   1... B~  2. Qb1#
   1... Kb3  2. Qxd1#
   1... Kd3  2. Qe4#
   1... Kc1  2. Rc4#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:10 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-26 07:25 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 02:45 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/7R/5kP1/8/3P1N2/5PK1/8)
Paud D. Carpenter
The Tablet, 1920

1. Kh3! Kf4  2. Rf6#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:11 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-27 05:38 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 02:49 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/8/2N5/3k1K2/8/2Q5/8)
Paul Loquin
Le Palamèdet, via Charles Tomlinson, Amusements in Chess, 1845

1. Nb7 Kd5  2. Qe4#

補充內容 (2019-7-18 04:48 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-27 05:40 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 02:55 PM 編輯

(FEN: 2R5/8/3k4/3N2p1/4K1Q1/8/8/8)
Sam Loyd
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, 1880

1. Kf5! waiting
   1... Kxd5  2. Qd1#
   1... Kd7  2. Ke5#

補充內容 (2019-7-18 04:54 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-28 06:15 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:01 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/8/1Q6/K7/8/8/1Nk5)
Eduard Mazel
Schachminiaturen II, 1903

1.Kb3 Kxb1/Kd1 2.Qf1#

補充內容 (2019-7-18 04:59 PM):

補充內容 (2019-7-18 05:00 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-28 06:18 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:06 PM 編輯

(FEN: 2k5/4BK2/8/6b1/4Q3/8/8/3R4)
Frank Healey
Schachminiaturen II, 1903

1.♖d7 ~ 2.♕b7#

補充內容 (2019-7-18 05:05 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-29 10:47 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:08 PM 編輯

(FEN: 2q5/2pp4/3pr3/4pb2/K1p2pn1/P1bn1kp1/3pr1R1/6BB)
Alain Campbell White

1.Rf2+ Ke3  2.Rf3+ Ke4  3.Re3+ Kd4  4.Re4+ Kd5  5.Rd4+ Kc5  6.Rd5+ Kc6  7.Rc5+ Kb6  8.Rc6+ Kb7  9.Rb6+ Ka7  10.Rb7+ Ka8  11.Ra7+ Kb8  12.Ra8#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:13 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-29 06:45 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:13 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/8/4Q3/3N2pk/7P/8/7K)
Friedrich Dubbe
Schachminiaturen, 1902

1.♘e6! waiting
   1... ♚xh3  2.♕h2#
   1... gxh3  2.♕g5#
   1... g3  2.♕h8#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:13 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-30 10:05 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:18 PM 編輯

(FEN: 1K1R4/8/2k5/8/P2P3B/8/8/8)
Heinrich Leonhard Adolphi
Der kleine Problemfreund, 1896

1.♗e1 ♚b6  2.♖d6#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:14 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-7-30 06:22 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:22 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/1kP1K3/8/1B6/5B2/8/8/8)
Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig Meyer

1. c8=N waiting
   1... Kxc8  2. Ba6#
   1... Ka8   2. Bc6#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:15 PM):

補充內容 (2024-5-10 11:13 AM):
Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig Meyer (1839-1928) was one of the greatest German problemists and a chess author.
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-1 10:23 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:25 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/Kn6/R7/1k1P4/1p6/1B6/R7/8)
Miroslav Stosic
Mat, 1974

1.♖c2 > 2.♗a4#
   1...♞c5 2.♗c4#
   1...♞a5 2.♖b6#


補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:16 PM):

補充內容 (2024-5-10 02:20 PM):
Miroslav Stošić
Mat, 1974
White to move, mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-2 09:02 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:31 PM 編輯

(FEN: 6R1/2pk4/8/8/4QK2/8/8/8)
Dr Aleksandr V. Galitzky
Schachminiaturen II, 1903

1.♔e5! block
   1... c6/♚e7  2.♕h7#
   1... c5  2.♕b7#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:18 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-3 03:33 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:35 PM 編輯

(FEN: 3N1k1N/4nBb1/5K2/8/8/8/8/8)
John Griswold White
Canadian Illustrated News, 1880

1.Kg5! waiting
   1...Nh5/Ngf5/Ne6+/Ne8 2.Ne6#
   1...Nef5/Ng6/Ng8/Nd5/Nc6/Nc8 2.Ng6#


補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:19 PM):

補充內容 (2024-4-6 05:40 PM):

補充內容 (2024-4-6 05:40 PM):

補充內容 (2024-4-6 05:43 PM):

補充內容 (2024-4-6 05:45 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-3 03:54 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-23 12:31 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/1k2K1RR)
Gustav Herbert Hultberg
Polistidningen, 1943

1. ♖g2 ~ 2. 0-0#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:20 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-4 10:45 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:40 PM 編輯

(FEN: kbK5/pp6/1P6/8/8/8/8/R7)
Paul Morphy
New York Clipper, 1856

1.♖a6 waiting
   1... bxa6  2.b7#
   1... ♝~  2.♖xa7#


補充內容 (2022-3-13 10:05 PM):

Paul Morphy
New York Clipper, 1856
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-5 09:08 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:43 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/3K4/8/3k4/5Q2/2R5/8)
George Edward Carpenter
The Dubuque Chess Journal, 1873

1.♕h3! ♚e4  2.♖c4#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-5 05:59 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:48 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/5p2/5K2/7k/7p/7Q/8/8)
Brian Harley & Watney Charles Gold
1st Hon. Mention, Good Companion, 1921

1.Qc8! waiting
   1...Kh6 2.Qh8#
   1...h3 2.Qxh3#


補充內容 (2022-6-4 04:21 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-6 09:20 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:55 PM 編輯

(FEN: 4R3/3k1Pp1/6K1/8/2Q5/8/8/8)
Johannes Kohtz & Carl Kockelkorn
Feierabendn, 1876

1.f8=B Kxe8 2.Qc8#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-6 05:20 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 03:58 PM 編輯

(FEN: B7/8/8/8/3k4/2p5/2KP3Q/8)
Hyacinth R. Agnel
American Chess-Nuts, 1868

1.♕c7 cxd2  2.♕c3#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-7 09:49 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 04:01 PM 編輯

(FEN: 2NkN3/3b4/3Q4/8/6p1/6K1/8/8)
Niels Høeg
Horsens Avis, 8th Oct 1916

1.♕d6-d5 waiting
   1...♚d8xc8 2.♕d5-a8#
   1...♚d8xe8 2.♕d5-g8#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-8 11:54 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 04:03 PM 編輯

(FEN: 2Q5/kp6/8/PK6/8/8/8/8)
Zarko Ognjanovic
Dom in svet, 1912

1.♔c5! waiting
   1... ♚a6 2.♕a8#
   1... b6+/b5 2.axb6#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-9 08:41 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-11 04:11 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/8/6Np/5B1k/5P1P/3b2K1/8)
Dany Lapointe
Echec+, 1986

1.Be3 Bxe3 2.f4 Bxf4 3.Nf3#
  1...B~ 2.f4 B~ 3.Nf3#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-9 03:43 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-12 09:53 AM 編輯

(FEN: 3n4/8/3p4/N1pk1K2/4p3/2Bp4/R6Q/8)
Mihailo Stojnic
2nd Prize, Yugoslavian Championship, 1997

   1...e3 2.Qh1#
   1...Ne6 (or Nf7) 2.Qa8#
   1...Nc6 (or Nb7) 2.Qg8#
   1...c4 2.Qd4#
   1...d2 2.Rxd2#

補充內容 (2017-5-1 10:43 PM):
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-10 06:28 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-13 08:34 AM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 8/4n2K/8/PNp5/rkB4Q/n1p1N3/8/8)
Otto B. Wurzburg
American Chess Bulletin, January, 1936

1. Nd4 waiting
   1... cxd4 2. Qxe7#
   1...  c2 2. Qe1#
   1... Ne~  2. Nd5#
   1... Na~  2. Nec2#


補充內容 (2019-4-29 11:58 AM):

補充內容 (2019-4-30 11:51 PM):
(FEN: 8/4n2K/8/pNp5/rkB4Q/n1p1N3/8/8 w - - 0 1)

1. Nd4 block
   1... cxd4 2. Qxe7#
   1... c2 2. Qe1#
   1... Ne~ 2. Nd5#
   1... Na~ 2. Ndc2#

補充內容 (2022-2-25 05:15 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-10 06:53 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-15 10:01 AM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards Notation: 8/5R2/1N2p1pK/4k1p1/nQ6/1N1q1B2/8/8)
William Meredith
First Prize, Ninth Tourney, Dubuque Chess Journal, December, 1889

1. Qd2! threat 2. Qh2
   1... Kd6 2. Nc4#
   1... Qxd2 2. Nc4#

補充內容 (2022-2-27 11:36 AM):

FEN: 8/5R2/1N2p1pK/4k1p1/nQ6/1N1q1B2/8/8 w - - 0 1

補充內容 (2022-3-29 12:49 PM):
1. Qd2! (> 2. Qh2#)
1. ... Kd6/Qxd2/Qc4/Qf5/Qe3  2. N(x)c4#
1. ... Qxb3/Qc2/Qe2/Qe4  2. Nd7#
1. ... Qxf3/Qd4 2. Q(x)d4#
1. ... g4  2. Qf4#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 09:59 AM):
William Meredith (* 14. Mai 1835 in Philadelphia; † 10. August 1903 in Folcroft (Pennsylvania)) was an American chess problem composer.
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-11 04:27 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-12 10:43 AM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/4pp2/pQ3p2/3kB3/8/1K2P2B/8)
Bernhard Hulsen

1.♗f4 waiting
   1... ♚xe4  2.♕c4#
   1... fxe4  2.e3#
   1... e5  2.♕d5#
   1... a4  2.♕b4#


補充內容 (2022-2-28 10:02 AM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-12 09:51 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-12 10:24 PM 編輯

(FEN: 4K3/8/8/B3kp2/5N2/8/3P3Q/8)
Charles Ephrem St. Maurice
La Presse, 1896

1.♕g2! waiting
   1...♚xf4 2.♗c7#
   1...♚f6 2.♗c3#
   1...♚d4/♚d6 2.♕d5#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 10:04 AM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-12 10:21 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-12 10:43 AM 編輯

(FEN: 2B1K3/p7/3k4/8/8/2B5/8/1Q6)
Julius Josefovic

1.Bb7! waiting
   1... Ke6 2.Qg6#
   1... Kc5 2.Qb4#
   1... Kc7 2.Be5#
   1... a6/a5 2.Qb6#


補充內容 (2022-6-4 10:07 AM):

補充內容 (2024-4-30 08:04 PM):
Julius Josefovic
České Listy Šachové, 1897 (254)
White to move, mate in 2

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-12 10:21 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-12 10:25 PM 編輯

(FEN: k7/3N4/KP2r3/Q7/3n4/8/8/8)
Geoffrey Mott-Smith
New York Sun, 1932

1.Qe5 > 2.Qb8#
   1... Rxe5/Nc6 2.b7#
   1... Rd6 2.Qe8#
   1... Rxb6 2.Nxb6#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 10:08 AM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-13 08:28 AM

(FEN: 1q6/1P1p4/3Rp3/5P2/6P1/6P1/1R6/Q4K1k)
Sam Loyd

1.♕a8 waiting
   1... ♛xa8  2.bxa8#
   1... ♛c8  2.bxc8=~#
   1... ♛d8/e8/f8/g8/h8  2.b8=~#
   1... ♛xb7/a7/c7/xd6/h8  2.♕(x)h8#


補充內容 (2022-6-4 10:09 AM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-13 03:45 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-13 03:45 PM 編輯

(FEN: 6K1/7B/4P2k/2Q1Nq2/5NR1/8/8/8)
Klipach Vladimir Panteleyevich
Šachmatija, Sept. 2010

1.♕e7! waiting
   1...♛xh7+/g5+/f8+/f6/xe6+ 2.♛x♛#
   1...♛g6+/xe5 2.♖(x)g6#
   1...♛f7+/xg4+ 2.♘x♛#
   1...♛xf4/b1/c2/d3/e4 2.♕h4#
   1...♛h5 2.♕g7/f8#

補充內容 (2022-3-17 05:37 PM):

Klipach Vladimir Panteleyevich
Šachmatija, Sept. 2010
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-13 06:49 PM

(FEN: k7/p4p2/4pK2/1Rp2p2/2Q5/1P6/8/8)
Halvar Hermanson
Münchner Zeitung, 1912

1.♖b4 waiting
   1... cxb4 2.♕c8#
   1... a6/a5 2.♕(x)a6#
   1... e5 2.♕d5#
   1... f4 2.♕e4#

補充內容 (2022-3-17 05:35 PM):

Halvar Hermanson
Münchner Zeitung, 1912
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-14 11:24 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-15 10:03 AM 編輯

(FEN: 8/n2R4/1Nkp4/P3pp2/1Kp1pQ2/8/3P4/8)
Arto Heinonen & Mikael Suomen Gronroos
1st Commendation, Tehtavaniekat, 2007

1.d4 > 2.d5#
   1... exd4  2.♕xd6#
   1... d5  2.♕h6#
   1... exd3 e.p.  2.♕xc4#
   1... cxd3 e.p.  2.♕c1#


補充內容 (2022-3-17 05:33 PM):

Arto Heinonen & Mikael Suomen Gronroos
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-15 09:50 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-15 09:55 AM 編輯

(FEN: 6Q1/2RB4/p7/1p6/1k6/8/K7/8)
William Anthony Shinkman

1.Qd8 waiting
   1... Ka4/Ka5 2. Rb4#
   1... a5 2.Qh4#

補充內容 (2022-6-4 10:10 AM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-15 10:16 AM

(FEN: 7K/8/5B2/2N4P/4Q3/2r5/p1B2R2/b1k5)
Philipp Klett
Philipp Klett's Schachprobleme, 1878

1.♕e7! waiting
   1...♝b2/♜xc2/♜a3/♜f3/♜g3/♜h3 2.♕e1#
   1...♜e3 2.♕xe3#
   1...♚b2/♜d3 2.♘(x)d3#
   1...♜c4 2.♕e3#/♕e1#/♘d3#/♘b3#
   1...♜xc5 2.♕e3#/♕e1#
   1...♜b3 2.♕e1#/♘xb3#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-15 05:07 PM

(FEN: k3K3/3N4/pP6/1p3p2/3pN1p1/r7/4Q1B1/5r2)
Jan Hartong
2nd Place, Tidskrift for Schack, 1821

1.Qa2! > 2.Qd5#
   1...Kb7 2.Nd6#
   1...Rc1 2.Nc3#
   1...Rxa2 2.Nf2#
   1...Rb3/Rc3 2.Qxa6#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-16 06:08 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-23 12:06 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/4K3/2p1B3/1PRbk3/1P2p3/4P3/8)
Manfred Zucker

1.♗g3 cxb4  2.♗h4 ♚f4  2.♖xd4#


補充內容 (2022-2-28 10:53 AM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-18 06:28 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-25 10:52 AM 編輯

(FEN: 4K3/2Q5/4p3/1k6/5N2/4r3/R7/8)
Srecko Radovic
1st Prize, Yugoslav Amateurs Championship, 1995

1.♖a8 > 2.♖b8+ ♚a4 3.♕a7# (or 2...♚a6 3.♕b6#)
   1...♜e5 2.♘d3 ~ 3.♖a5#
     2...♜c5 3.♕xc5#
   1...♜b3 2.♖a5+ ♚b4 3.♕c5#
   1...♚b4 2.♖b8+ ~ 3.♕a7#

補充內容 (2022-2-28 10:55 AM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-18 06:53 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-18 06:54 PM 編輯

unknown author

1. ♖h3 e3 2. ♖h1 gxh1=♛+ 3. ♕xh1#

補充內容 (2022-3-4 06:29 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-18 07:23 PM

(FEN: 8/7B/5Q2/6p1/6k1/8/5K2/8)
Joseph Graham Campbell
Chess Player's Chronicle, 1861

1.Qh8! waiting
   1… Kh5/h4/h3 2.Bf4#
   1… Kf4 2.Qd4#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-19 04:35 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-19 09:57 PM 編輯

(FEN: k7/2Q1K3/8/8/8/8/6pR/2R4q)
Werner Speckmann

1. ♖g1 waiting
   1... ♛xg1 2. ♖h8#
   1... ♛xh2 2. ♖a1#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-19 10:13 PM

(FEN: 8/8/6k1/7R/5K2/5Q2/8/8)
Karl Lorenz Jesper Jespersen
Dubuque Chess Journal, 1880

1.Qb7! waiting
   1... Kf6 2.Rh6#
   1... Kxh5 2.Qh7#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-20 12:18 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-20 12:21 PM 編輯

(FEN: K1B5/3P1k2/7p/4Q2P/8/8/8/8)
William Anthony Shinkman
New York Clipper, 1874

1.Qc7! K~ 2.d8=Q#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-21 02:23 PM

(FEN: 6rk/6pp/6R1/8/3Q4/p2K4/B2P4/8)
Robert Henry Ramsey
The Pittsburgh Gazette, 1903

1.Qf6! R~ 2.Qxg7#
   1… gxf6 2.Rxg8#
   1… h6/h5 2.R(x)h6#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-21 04:21 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-21 04:22 PM 編輯

(FEN: 7B/8/8/8/R7/1Pn5/BrP1p3/k1K1R3)
Gerald Frank Anderson
Good Companion, 1919

1.Ra3! waiting
   1...N~ 2.Bxb2#
   1...Nd1/Na4/Rb1+ 2.B(x)b1#
   1...Nxa2+ 2.Kd2#
   1...Rxb3 2.Bxb3#
   1...Rxa2 2.Bxc3#
   1...Rxc2+ 2.Kxc2#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-22 05:38 PM

(FEN: 8/6p1/4P1P1/4KpPk/5BNp/7p/8/1Q6)
Philipp Klett
Schachprobleme, 1878


1. gxf6 e.p. > 2.Qf5#
   1… Kxg4 2.Qd1#
   1… gxf6+ 2.Nxf6#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-23 03:35 PM

(FEN: 8/1pN5/1Pb5/n1q1n3/8/PpkpP2Q/1N1R4/2K5)
Joseph Henry Blackburne

1.Qc8! waiting
   1...Qxe3/Qd4 2.Nb5#
   1...Qxa3/Qb4 2.Nd5#
   1...Bd5/Be4/Bf3/Bg2/Bh1/Bb5 2.Nb(x)5#
   1...Ba4/Bb5/Bd7/Be8/Bd5 2.N(x)d5#
   1...Nac4/Nec4 2.Nd1#
   1...Ne~ 2.Rxd3#

補充內容 (2022-3-13 09:56 PM):

Samuel Loyd
Chess Monthly, 1859
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-25 10:16 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-8-27 12:27 PM 編輯

(FEN: 4B3/8/3R4/8/1Pk5/8/PP6/1K6)
V. Kozhakin

1.a3 Kb3 2.Rc6 Ka4 3.Rc3#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-27 12:33 PM

(FEN: 2k3K1/2p3R1/r1P5/8/8/8/8/6Q1)
Albert Kauders
Schachminiaturen II, 1903

1.Qa7 > 2.Qb7#
   1... Rxc6 2.Qa8#
   1... Rxa7 2.Kf7 ~ 3.RG8#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-27 02:21 PM

(FEN: 5R2/6p1/8/8/8/5p2/5K1P/6Bk)
Lars Aksglæde Larsen
Skakbladet, 1939

1.♖h8 waiting
   1... g5  2.h3 g4  3.hxg4#
   1... g6  2.h4 g5  3.hxg5#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-27 06:38 PM

(FEN: 8/8/2kp1R2/2pN4/2P5/8/2P5/1K1Q4)
William Anthony Shinkman
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1875

1.♕d1-d4 ! > 2.♖f6-f7 & 3.♖f7-c7#
   1...♚c6-d7 2.♕d4-g4+
           2...♚d7-d8 3.♖f6-f8#
           2...♚d7-e8/c6 3.♕g4-c8#
   1...♚c6-b7 2.♖f6-f7+
           2...♚b7-a8/b8/c8 3.♕d4-h8#
           2...♚b7-c6 3.♖f6-c7#
           2...♚b7-a6 3.♕d4-a1#
   1...c5xd4 2.♖f6-f7 ~ 3.♖f7-c7#

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-8-30 02:58 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-3 02:50 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/8/8/8/8/ppQKPPP1/k7)
Samuel R. Barrett
Dubuque Chess Journal, 1874

1.Qc3 Kb1 2.Qd3+ Ka1 3.Qd4 Kb1 4.Qe4+ Ka1 5.Qe5 Kb1 6.Qf5+ Ka1 7.Qf6 Kb1 8.Qg6+ Ka1 9.Qg7 Kb1 19.Qh7+ Ka1 11.Qh8 Kb1 12.Qh1#


作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-3 02:49 PM

(FEN: Rn6/1k6/2R1P3/8/8/3Q4/8/1K6)
Eduard Mazel

1.Rc8 waiting
   1... Kxc8 2.Qd7#
   1... Kxa/N~ 2.Q(x)a6#

補充內容 (2022-3-4 05:32 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-7 06:03 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-10 05:40 PM 編輯

(FEN: 5K1k/1R3p2/6Pn/4N3/4n3/8/8/6Q1)
William Meredith
Checkmate, 1901

1.Qb1 waiting
   1... Ne~ 2.g7#
   1... fxg6 2.Nxg6#
   1... f6/f5 2.Rh7#
   1... Nh~ 2.Nxf7#


補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:33 PM):

William Meredith
Checkmate, 1901
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-10 05:42 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-19 04:48 PM 編輯

(FEN: 7K/2R5/6k1/Q5P1/8/8/8/8)
Karel Peter Traxler
Časopis českých šachistů, 1906

1.Rc7-c5! waiting
      1... Kg6-f7 2.Qa5-e1 waiting
              2...Kf7-f8 3.Rc5-f5#
              2...Kf7-g6 3.Qe1-e8#
      1... Kg6-h5 2.Qa5-a4 Kh5-g6 3.Qa4-e8#


補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:29 PM):

Karel Peter Traxler
Časopis českých šachistů, 1906
Mate in 3
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-11 06:10 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-19 04:49 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/8/8/8/7Q/3p4/3K3p/5b1k)
Erich Anselm Brunner
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1932

1.Qh4-g3! waiting
   1... Bf1-e2 2.Qg3-f2 Be2-~ 3.Qf2-(x)f1#
   1... Bf1-h3
          2.Qg3-f2 waiting
              2... Bh3-g2 3.Qf2-e1+ Bg2-f1 4.Qe1xf1#
              2... Bh3-~ 3.Qf2-(x)f1#
   1... Bf1-g2 2.Qg3-e1+ Bg2-f1 3.Qe1xf1#

補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:27 PM):

Erich Anselm Brunner
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1932
Mate in 4
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-12 09:21 PM

(FEN: R7/4k3/6Q1/8/3K4/8/8/8)
Huddersfield College Magazine, 1877

1.Kc5 Kd7 2.Kb6 Ke7 3.Ka7 Kd7 4.Kb7 Ke7 5.Kc8 Kf8 6.Kd7#


補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:26 PM):

Huddersfield College Magazine
White to move only his king & mate in 6
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-15 05:43 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-19 04:32 PM 編輯

(FEN: 7k/8/7K/R7/2N1P3/8/8/8)
Charles Tomlinson
Amusements in Chess, 1845

1. Re5  Kg8 2. Re8+  Kf7 3. Nd6+  Kf6 4. e5#

補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:22 PM):

Charles Tomlinson
Amusements in Chess, 1845
Mate in 4 with his pawn
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-18 09:47 AM

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 8/8/8/8/8/8/1nKBkpQ1/8)
Bengt Giobel
Svenska Dagbladet, 1923

1.♕h3 waiting
   1...♞~  2.♕(x)d3#
   1...f1=♞  2.♕g2#
   1...f1=♛/♜/♝  2.♕e3#

補充內容 (2022-2-28 03:11 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-18 10:03 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-9-18 10:31 AM 編輯

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 5r2/8/8/8/8/6k1/1Q5R/BK1B4)
Vladimir Moikin (Russia)
Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1973

1.♕h8! > 2.♕h4#
   1...♜xh8  2.♗e6#
   1...♜b8+ 2.♕xb8#
   1...♜f4 2.♕h3#


補充內容 (2022-2-28 03:10 PM):

作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-18 10:06 AM

(Text-only version in Forsyth-Edwards notation: 8/8/8/8/pp6/kp5R/8/1K2B3)
Arthur Napoleão Dos Santos

Caissana Brasileira, 1898

1. ♗g3 waiting(避免stalemate和棋)
   1... b2  2. ♗d6#

補充內容 (2022-3-7 11:59 AM):

Arthur Napoleão Dos Santos
Caissana Brasileira, 1898
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-19 04:53 PM

(FEN: 8/1KPN4/3kp3/8/4B3/7Q/8/4b3)
Émile Leonard Pradignat
La_Stratégie, 1896

1.Bd5! > 2.Qxe6#
   1... Kxd5 2.Qd3#
   1... exd5 2.c8=N#

補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:03 PM):

Émile Leonard Pradignat
La_Stratégie, 1896
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-20 04:02 PM

(FEN: b1nqB3/b7/R2pp2K/3k2p1/1PpppPN1/8/8/Q7)
Milivoj S. Nešić & T. S. Matović
Vecernje novosti, 16.6.1960

1.Rb6! > 2.Qa5#
   1... Qd7/Qxe8/Qf6+/Qc7/Qxb6 2.Nf6#
   1... c3 2.Qa2#
   1... e3 2.Qh1#
   1... Bc6 2.Bxc6#
   1... d3 2.Ne3#
   1... e5 2.Bf7#
   1... Bxb6 2.Qxa8#


補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:05 PM):

Milivoj S. Nešić & T. S. Matović
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-23 12:19 PM

(FEN: 8/8/k1K5/q1Q5/8/8/8/8)
Hermann Feodor Lehner
Wiener Schachzeitung, 1906

   1...Qa5-b5+ 2.Qc4xb5+ Ka6-a7 3.Qb5-b7#
   1...Ka6-a7 2.Qc4-f7+ Qa5-c7+ 3.Qf7xc7+ Ka7-a6 4.Qc7-b6#
                      3...Ka7-a8 4.Qc7-b7 #
              2... Ka7-a8 3.Qf7-b7#
              2... Ka7-a6 3.Qf7-b7#
              2... Ka7-b8 3.Qf7-b7#

補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:07 PM):

Hermann Feodor Lehner
Wiener Schachzeitung, 1906
Mate in 4
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-26 05:52 PM

(FEN: 8/3QPk2/8/8/8/8/4K3/8)
Samuel Loyd
New York Albion, 1856

1.Qd6! waiting
   1... Ke8 2.Qe5 waiting
            2... Kf7 3.e8=Q#
            2... Kd7 3.e8=Q#
   1... Kg8 2.e8=Q+
            2... Kh7/Kg7 3.Qdg6#
       2.Qg6+ Kh8 3.e8=Q/R#
   1...Kg7 2.e8=Q > 3.Qdg6#

補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:09 PM):

Samuel Loyd
New York Albion, 1856
Mate in 3
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-9-30 04:44 PM

(FEN: K2k4/3P1n2/3R4/8/8/8/8/1Q2B3)
Oscar Blumenthal
Bohemia, 1901

1. Qh7 waiting
   1... N~ 2. Ba5#
   1... Kc7/Ke7 2. d8=Q#


補充內容 (2022-3-7 12:12 PM):

Oscar Blumenthal
Bohemia, 1901
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-10-15 04:40 PM

(FEN: 4N3/8/1pr5/1P1k4/N3R3/5P1p/5B1K/8)
Norman Alasdair Macleod
The Chess World, 1950

1. Bc5! waiting
   1... Rc8 2.Nf6#
   1... Rd6/Re6/Rg6/Rh6 2.Nc7#
   1... Rxc5 2.Nxb6#
   1... Rc7/Rf6 2.Nf6#/Nxc7#
   1...bxc5 2.Nc3#


補充內容 (2022-3-8 05:56 PM):

Norman Alasdair Macleod
The Chess World, 1950
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-10-24 05:27 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-10-24 05:34 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/4K3/2k5/5Q1B/bp6/8/7B/8)
William Anthony Shinkman
The Dubuque Chess Journal, Nov 1890

1. Be2 > 2. Qc8+/Qd7+/Qe6+/Qa5
   1... Kb6 2. Qa5+ Kxa5 3. Bc7#
   1... Kb7 2. Qc8+ Kxc8 3. Ba6#


補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:13 PM):

William Anthony Shinkman
The Dubuque Chess Journal, 1890
Mate in 3
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-10-27 05:42 PM

(FEN: 8/8/K7/1R6/kb6/1p6/1P6/1B6)
Georges Braun
Schweizerische Schachzeitung, 1977

1. Rg5! B~ 2. Rg4 Bb4 3. Be4 B~ 4. Bc6#


補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:10 PM):

Georges Braun
Schweizerische Schachzeitung, 1977
Mate in 4
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-11-10 10:54 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-11-26 06:39 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/1K4b1/8/3k4/6N1/B1P5/4Q3/8)
Geoffrey Mott-Smith
The Chess Review, 1934

1. Nf2 > 2. Qe4#
   1... Be5 2. Qa2#
   1... Bd4 2. c4#


補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:05 PM):

Geoffrey Mott-Smith
The Chess Review, 1934
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-11-21 05:47 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-11-26 06:40 PM 編輯

(FEN: 1B6/1QN3p1/4p1rb/1p2kPp1/1Rb3P1/3p3P/3P4/7K)
Philipp Klett
Philipp Klett`s Schachprobleme, 1878

1. f6! waiting
   1... Kf4/Kd4 2. Nxe6#
   1... Kxf6 2. Ne8#
   1... Kd6 2. Na6#
   1... gxf6/Rxf6 2. Nxb5#
   1... Bd5+ 2. Nxd5#
   1... Bb3/Ba2 2. Nd5#/Ne8#


補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:16 PM):

Maximilian Phillipp Friedrich von Klett
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-11-26 06:36 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-11-26 06:39 PM 編輯

(FEN: 5K2/8/8/6pk/8/8/7N/2Q5)
Johan Axel Åkerblom
Schackvärlden, 1928

1. Qf1 waiting
   1... g5-g4 2. Qf1-f5+
              2... Kh5-h6 3. Nh2xg4#
              2... Kh5-h4 3. Qf5xg4#
   1... Kh5-h6 2. Qf1-f5 waiting
              2... g5-g4 3. Nh2xg4#
              2... Kh6-h5 3. Qf5-h7#
   1... Kh5-h4 2. Qf1-f3 > 3. Qf3-g4#
   1... Kh5-g6 2. Qf1-f7+ Kg6-h6 3. Nh2-g4#


補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:18 PM):

Johan Axel Åkerblom
Schackvärlden, 1928
Mate in 3
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-12-1 11:29 AM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-12-1 11:30 AM 編輯

(FEN: 6R1/7p/4K3/7p/7k/7p/7P/8)
Wilhelm Hagemann
Eisenbahnerzeitung, 1939

1. Kf6 h6 2. Rg5 hxg5 3. Kf5 g4 4. Kf4 g3 5. hxg3#


補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:21 PM):

Wilhelm Hagemann
Eisenbahnerzeitung, 1939
Mate in 5
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-12-5 06:09 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2014-12-19 10:04 PM 編輯

(FEN: 8/Q4p2/8/5K1k/8/8/8/8)
Maurus Ehrenstein
Österreichische Lesehalle, Jan 1881

1. Qb8! waiting
    1... Kh4 2. Qh2#
    1... Kh6 2. Qh8#

補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:28 PM):

Moritz Ehrenstein
Österreichische Lesehalle, Jan 1881
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2014-12-19 10:08 PM

(FEN: 4K3/3Q4/8/p3k2N/r7/R2B4/5P2/7b)
Godfrey Heathcote
1st Prize, The English Mechanic, 1891

1. Be4!! > 2. Qd5#
    1... Bxe4 2. f4#
    1... Rxe4 2. Rxa5#
    1... Kxe4 2. Re3#
    1... Rd4 2. Qe7#

(有關記譜法,請參閱:【國際象棋】(轉載) 記錄方法

補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:33 PM):

補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:34 PM):
1st Prize, English Mechanic and World of Science, 1891
Mate in 2
作者: 誠惶誠恐    時間: 2015-9-5 03:43 PM

本帖最後由 誠惶誠恐 於 2015-10-5 06:53 PM 編輯

(FEN: 4R3/8/B2p4/8/1B1k4/6K1/4P3/8)
Amar Nath. Bhattacharji
The Chess Amateur, 1923

1.e2-e4! waiting
    1... Kd4-e3 2. Bb4-c3 d6-d5 3. e4xd5#
    1... d6-d5 2. Kg3-f4 d5xe4 3. Re8-d8#


補充內容 (2022-3-8 09:36 PM):

Amar Nath. Bhattacharji
The Chess Amateur, 1923
Mate in 3

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